Wednesday, August 8, 2007

iPhoto '08

Finally! iPhoto will actually be usable now! Why? Simple. Events.

While people laud Apple for it's UI and usablility, bollocks, I say. Apple is just as guilty as any other software maker in making unusable products. iPhoto, pre '08 is the shining example. Before you could only sort by date, or manualy create albums, which were a pain. Who remembers that their camping trip happened June 30th thru July 5th 2001? I don't, and I'm too lazy to manually add every file into an album. Also the other annoying thing was that all your photos were in a single blob on the right hand side. There was no separation saying a photo taken on this day, is separate from a photo taken on the next day, which made it confusing to figure out where albums start and end, if you were to manually add them.

I don't understand how it took people 5 years to figure out that people sort photos by events. It make me wonder whether or not Apple employees actually use their own apps or not. Apple totally replaced iMovie this year, because an Apple Employee found out he couldn't make a movie in 30 minutes or less. The employee got so frustrated, that he made a new tool that became iMovie '08.

For my (free) money, Picasa was 10x more friendly and usable than iPhoto was. Is it any surprise that iPhoto '08 is totally mimicking Picasa?

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